Note-taking Web App

Note-taking Web App

Note-taking Web App is a modern solution for managing and organizing your notes efficiently, with features like advanced search, tagging, and archiving.

Next.jstRPCDrizzle ORMBetter-AuthRedis
User Portfolio Management

User Portfolio Management

User Portfolio Management is a modern web application designed for managing user portfolios with features such as authentication, project management, and secure password reset functionality.

Next.jstRPCDrizzle ORMBetter-Auth
AI Image Generator

AI Image Generator

In this project, I built an AI-powered image generation website where users can create images based on prompts they provide. Additionally, users receive real-time notifications each time an image is generated.

Next.jsSupabaseTanStack QueryHugging Face
What If (Nasil Olurdu?)

What If (Nasil Olurdu?)

This project allows users to create alternative historical scenarios and share them with friends for scoring. Users have a daily limit of 5 questions, which is automatically renewed each day through PostgreSQL cron jobs.

Kanban Task Management

Kanban Task Management

Kanban Task Management is a modern web application designed for users to manage their tasks along with subtasks. Users can create tasks, categorize them, and assign different statuses to simplify task management and enhance productivity. The project is focused on providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface for efficient task tracking.

Next.jsDrizzle ORMi18nTheme
Hacker News Client

Hacker News Client

This project involves building a news reading website client using the Hacker News API, focusing on data fetching, state management, and UI components.

ReactNext.jsTanStack QueryTailwindCSS
Personal Finance App

Personal Finance App

Personal Finance App is a modern web application developed as part of a challenge on Frontend Mentor. The app provides an intuitive platform for users to manage their budgets by categorizing expenses as negative and incomes as positive values, ensuring a clear and efficient financial overview.

AI Model

AI Model

A modern web application built to explore the frontend for AI models like ChatGPT and Gemini, focusing on user interactions and workflows essential for AI-driven platforms.

Next.jsPostgreSQLGemini AIStripe


This project involves building a real e-commerce site frontend that captures, manages, and manipulates data effectively, featuring a custom design system and payment processing with Stripe.

Link Sharing App

Link Sharing App

A Full Stack web application built using Next.js, where users can register, update their links and user information, and use the created links as a digital business card. The project was completed as part of a challenge on Frontend Mentor.



Figmex is a multi-language portfolio showcase project built with i18n support. It displays a designer's work in both Turkish (tr) and English (en), providing a smooth and user-friendly experience.

Dictionary Web App - And Older Projects

Dictionary Web App - And Older Projects

A responsive dictionary web app built using the Free Dictionary API, with features such as word search, audio playback, theme switching, and dynamic font selection, designed to provide an optimal user experience across devices.

ReactFree Dictionary API