Figmex - Multi-Language Portfolio Showcase

Next.jsi18nResend TypeScript

Figmex is a portfolio showcase project I developed that supports two languages: Turkish and English . Built with i18n integration, the project allows a designer to display their showcases in a way that caters to both Turkish and English-speaking audiences. The seamless language switching provides an excellent user experience for viewers from different linguistic backgrounds.

Key Features 🌟

  • Multi-Language Support: Built using i18n to offer content in both Turkish and English, enhancing accessibility and reach.
  • Showcase Design Projects: Tailored to showcase a designer's portfolio, highlighting their work and creativity.
  • Email Integration with Resend: Integrated with Resend API for efficient and reliable email notifications and communications.
  • Responsive Design: A user-friendly, responsive design to ensure a smooth browsing experience on any device.
  • Built with Next.js and TypeScript: Utilizing the power of Next.js for server-side rendering and TypeScript for type safety.

Technologies Used 🛠️

  • Next.js: A React-based framework for SSR and static site generation.
  • i18n: For internationalization, providing multi-language support.
  • Resend: An API for handling email sending and notifications.
  • TypeScript: Strongly typed programming language for enhanced development experience and reduced bugs.
  • 📝 Link: Click here to review
  • 🔒 It's a private project. That's why I can't publish the source codes.🙏