What If - Alternative History Scenarios Project

Next.jsSupabasePostgreSQL TailwindCSSCron Jobs
This project only supports the Turkish language.

In this project, users can create alternative historical scenarios and explore different answers to historical questions they are curious about. Each user has a daily limit of 5 questions, and this limit is automatically refreshed daily thanks to PostgreSQL cron jobs. Users can also share their created scenarios with friends and collect points!

Main Features 🌟

  • Alternative History Scenarios: Users can create their own scenarios for historical events they are curious about.
  • Daily Question Limit: Users are allowed to ask up to 5 questions daily, and these limits automatically renew every day.
  • Sharing and Scoring: Scenarios can be shared with friends for scoring, and the highest-scoring scenarios are highlighted.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Used for fast and modern frontend development.
  • Supabase: Implemented for user management and data storage.
  • PostgreSQL: Utilized for database management and handling daily limits via cron jobs.
  • TailwindCSS: TailwindCSS was used to create flexible and efficient design.


The daily question limit is automatically renewed through PostgreSQL cron jobs. You can share your scenarios with friends and check out the highest-scoring ones! 🔥

  • Source Code: This repo is private. 🔒
  • Demo: Nasil Olurdu